Custom-made Solutions through Experiential Learning


Knowledge of Design Week (KODW) is HKDC’s annual thematic programme that gathers the global design community to explore the major issues of the day in society, fostering cross-disciplinary learning and exchanging thoughts to solve the challenges of our time.

KODW 2019 was held 17–21 June and themed "Designing Digital Futures". Events included three thematic forums, seven workshops, the InnoDesign Leadership CEO Forum and the Roundtable on Public Service Innovation. This premier week of events serves as an invaluable knowledge-sharing platform that connects local and international design professionals and industry leaders, in part through its many varied activities.


Organised by IDK, the event's seven workshops aimed at facilitating a deeper understanding of global trends and engaging participants in experiential activities to learn about applying design thinking across various sectors of society to tackle future challenges and uncertainty. These were hosted by innovators such as Trivium's Per Kristiansen, who pioneered the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology, and included a masterclass by Javier Mariscal, the famous Spanish design master. Specialised events included a Roundtable on Public Service Innovation, held in collaboration with the Efficiency Office, and the InnoDesign Leadership CEO Forum, which offered opportunities exclusively for C-level corporate executives for in-depth discussion of design-based techniques to tackle challenges.

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